Why You Should Launch an Online Advertising Campaign for Your Business
Advertising campaigns are essential to your sales growth. Launch a digital advertising campaign for your company, generate traffic through search, video, display and social media advertising and build brand awareness while maximizing your results.
A digital advertising campaign enables you to reach and attract the attention of your target audience. It's the ideal opportunity to win new customers and retain old ones. Remember, if you don't reach your audience, your competitors will.
Digital ad campaigns aim to increase traffic to your site by targeting your "ideal" audience - improving your conversion rate, and generating more leads. Read on to find out how these campaigns can impact your business.
How an online advertising campaign works
Launching a digital advertising campaign for your business is one of the most effective ways of reaching your target audience. Launching a campaign will drive new customers to your site, making them more likely to interact and engage with it.
An online advertising campaign is a multi-platform marketing strategy. This means you can go straight to your prospective customers, showing them what they're looking for before they even consider it.
The visitors who arrive on your site after seeing Google ads will be different from the consumers you contact on Facebook. It's, therefore, important to adapt your brand message to each platform to avoid missing either of these targets.
Consider Google, Facebook, Instagram and even TikTok ads for a moment. These are the most commonly used platforms for targeting customers online. The main reason to launch an ad campaign is to reach new customers, but there are more benefits than that.
Here are some other reasons to advertise online:
- Encourage former customers to return to your site to see what's new
- Promote your brand on different platforms.
- Stand out from your competitors (and do better than them).
- Generate traffic to your site
- Enable your visitors to perform a task in just a few clicks
- Take your prospects to the next step in the funnel
What's the difference between a campaign and an ad?
A campaign is a global plan that runs on several platforms simultaneously. There are many ads in a digital marketing campaign, but a company rarely deploys more than 2-3 campaigns simultaneously.
To develop a digital marketing plan, you must look at all aspects of your brand's digital footprint and that of your customers. A campaign is a coherent plan designed to achieve an overall objective for each click - these objectives can be different on each platform to better meet users' expectations and needs.
After a campaign, even if no one buys from you, your brand awareness will increase. This is usually the result of a campaign where your customers have seen your ads on multiple platforms several times instead of just one ad on a single site.
Why is it important to plan your online advertising campaigns?
You can't start a campaign without planning. It's important to plan an advertising campaign so you know how to give your users what they want (but also understand what they want).
Planning gives you a model to follow and goals to reach. Once you get user data, the plan will help you tailor the campaign to meet or exceed those goals. More importantly, this data will help you understand how to hit your next campaign even harder.
Without a plan, it's impossible to know what to do and whether what you've done has worked.
What's the benefit of online advertising?
Online advertising has several advantages: it costs less, and unlike traditional advertising, your results are available instantly, so you can measure your return on investment (ROI) every day - not just at the end of your campaign.
The best thing about online advertising is that you can react very quickly if something goes wrong. Unlike a billboard on the street, you can remove ads that don't work or adapt them in a matter of minutes.
Regarding price, Google ads and Facebook ads are still very affordable. Google ads and Facebook provide you with tools to analyze your results and precisely measure your ROI.
The beauty of digital advertising is that people can like and comment on your ads. You'll get market research every step of the way. This kind of feedback allows you to learn more, enabling you to improve your campaign continually, digital marketing plan and product development to meet demand.
How does digital marketing benefit a company?
Digital marketing benefits your business by enabling you to target your ideal customer at a crucial moment in their buying journey.
Digital marketing promotes products via digital channels such as cell phones or computers. It's essential to consider the benefits of digital marketing for your business when setting up an online advertising campaign.
What makes a good advertising campaign?
A good advertising campaign will launch a new product, attract customers or change a customer's mind about your brand. After seeing one of your online ads, your audience will associate your brand with a new emotion.
A good campaign will make your customers want to take action, even if it's just to memorize your slogan. The best advertising campaigns are those that leave the brand in your mind. For example, who do you think of when we say, "Just Do It?"
How to manage a successful marketing campaign
To run a successful marketing campaign, you must plan, adjust and connect with your audience. Campaigns allow you to collect much data, but how you understand it will make the difference. Which target gives me the lowest cost per purchase? What is the average basket size of this other target? In some cases, you'll want to reduce your cost per purchase. The average basket value or the cost per completed form will be more important in others. How do you know what matters? PLAN your campaigns.
Make sure you talk like your customers and use the same references. If you need help understanding them, Facebook and Google ads provide tools that will give you more information.
You'll succeed if you're consistent. Consistency will help your customers understand your brand and believe in your actions. They'll follow once you've given them a great call to action.
Launching your digital advertising campaign
Now that you know you must launch an online advertising campaign, you should start today. Our Montreal digital marketing agency will happily share its experience and advice with you to maximize your impact and results!
Creating a campaign takes time, but it's a low-cost way to promote your business. Every business needs an online presence and a plan for an advertising campaign.