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Why Is Video Marketing So Effective for your strategy – 14 Reasons

Written by Anthony Guilhem | 2020-07-17 19:41:00

The use of clips for successful video marketing is one of the latest trends in online business platforms. According to a recent survey, at least 63% of online businesses are already using video content to sell their products and services. Most marketers have realized why is video marketing so effective, and if you have not, this article might be of help.

1 – Video is a Powerful Way of Starting Conversations

At least 90% of online consumers admit that visual content helps them make purchasing decisions. Most consumers tend to buy products after viewing clips on how to use them. Also, landing pages provide the best spaces to place such clips. It is a great way to boost conversations, as long as you keep the autoplay off since the loud noises might scare away some internet users. The clips also come in handy when you want to keep individuals on the site long enough to look around.

2 – Visual Content Builds Trust

Trust is an essential tool as far as effective marketing is concerned. Through trust, you will not be struggling to initiate conversations that would open doors for sales. With its high level of effectiveness, modern marketers use it to gain a competitive edge against their rivals. Therefore, one of the primary reasons for using visual content is to create trust and enhance a long-term relationship with customers.

3 – Visual Content Make Your Brand More Relatable

Today, buyers are looking to buy from easily relatable brands, something that might only be achieved through effective marketing. By using the right clips with reasonable lengths, you will be able to provide detailed information to clients, especially of a given product, to attain the highest level of effectiveness. Tell them the problems that your product aims to solve and why it is the best on the market. That way, they will find your brand more relatable, thereby luring them into making purchases.

4 – They Increase the Number of Clicks

Successful video marketing is one that increases the number of clicks. This makes sense since this is not something that you can easily achieve in some sectors. Thankfully, it has been revealed that by using clips to market your brand, you can enhance the number of clicks in PPC ads as well as the opening rates of emails. This means that visual content makes it easier for you to achieve your online sales campaigns’ bottom line.

5 – Boosts Conversions and Sales

Using visual content is very effective and can make you huge sums of money within a very short duration. It involves adding some clips on your landing page. This can help you enhance conversions by at least 80%. Also, video clips enables you to better pitch/sale your product or service. Sources claim that at least 74% of potential clients that watch explainer clips normally end up buying the product.

6 – Optimize The ROI of Marketing Campaigns

Many businesses report that they get high ROI using visual content as sales tools. However, it is worth noting that these clips are not so easy to produce, and they take a lot of time. Importantly, there are good marketing tools, and they keep getting better. But you don’t need to be scared since, even without achieving perfection, you can work on the content and ensure that it adds value to the buyers.

7 – Visual Content Helps with Google’s Trust (SEO)

Sources forecast that by 2021, at least 80% of online traffic will be made from visual content. Search engines have been programmed in a way that they see clips as high-quality content, so they love them. Therefore, it would be wise of you to start using clips on your landing pages as well as on your main site. After some time, you will be glad you did, especially when your site starts to get massive traffic. But you have to ensure that your clips are properly optimized.

8 – Using Visual Tools Is a Great Way to Engage with Mobile Users

Statistics show that at least 90% of internet users use their mobile phones to view clips on the internet. Therefore, it is vital that for your online promotion needs, you have a well-optimized website for mobile devices. Also, there is an exponential growth in the number of mobile users, and the number might even treble in the next few years. This means you have more opportunities to create more explainer clips and upload them to your site.

9 – Video Marketing Can Explain Everything (Link to Explainer Clips)

Successful video marketing can be extremely effective when it comes to explaining everything to your potential buyers. When launching new products, businesses will often want to explain to users how they work. They can easily do this using clips because they will have the best chance to explain everything in detail. It is said that at least 98% of internet users view clips to learn how new products work.

10 – Engages Lazy Buyers

When it comes to learning, clips are some of the best tools to use. This is because they are more than just easy to consume. Today, people have gotten way too busy to go through many paragraphs of product descriptions or even dig deep into services. The modern buyers prefer seeing the products in use so that they are only left with a few questions to ask. This is why they are appealing to some of the laziest buyers available.

11 – Encourages Social Shares

If you have been looking for effective methods of sales that would lead to social shares, then you better give clips a try. Clips are some of the best ways to market your product online. Today, we see social platforms adding video content with new features, and these are some things you should take advantage of. 

12 – Improve How Customers See Your Products

Modern customers are constantly searching online for products they would love to buy. Therefore, they want to get more than just a description of the products. For instance, an internet user visits your page and finds a high-quality explainer video. If it looks more like the one they previously viewed on a different site, they will skip and keep searching the net. They want to see the differences between your brand and the ones they saw previously. Therefore, your clips can be used as a tool that makes clients see your brand’s uniqueness.

13 – Educate Your Customers

Through video marketing, you can create rapport with your customers and even educate them on how to use various products. For example, a buyer comes to your website to buy a product they have never heard of. In that regard, instead of just making sales, at least ensure that your videos are used to educate them on the essence of your products, and how they can use them to solve problems. Also, they will come back with questions that you need to respond to.

14 – An Effective way of Outdoing the Competition

The competition among brands keeps getting stiffer. Therefore, with videos, you can gain a competitive edge by producing top quality clips that are solution-oriented. This implies that your clips should be created around the issues that the buyers are already facing. Once you have done the description bit, at least find out the potential challenges that the users might face while using the product and address it ahead of time.

Ready to launch your next video campaign ?

If you have not started using clips as your marketing tools, now is the time. We believe that this article helps you know what you stand to gain from using videos on your website. Note that this is something that your competitors are already doing. Therefore, don’t waste too much time since you might be left far behind. Do let us know in case you have any questions about how you could use videos in your digital marketing strategy. We are proposing a video production service for all kinds of companies.

If you want to outdo your competitors, don’t hesitate to contact us for the production of corporate or explainer videos for your company!