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All you need to know about HubSpot CMS Hub

Written by Florian Joyeux | 2024-02-15 16:17:14

Since its launch in April 2020, HubSpot CMS has gradually established itself in the digital world. Its rise to prominence marks a significant change in the content management system (CMS) landscape. 

There was a time when comparisons between HubSpot and WordPress were rare, but today, HubSpot is asserting itself as a strategic player in the CMS field. 

This is no accident. In fact, to set itself apart, HubSpot offers a framework that appeals to developers and marketers alike. And this versatility is precisely what makes it unique.

While platforms such as WordPress focus primarily on website creation, HubSpot goes beyond this initial capability. 

Integrating tools dedicated to marketing, sales and customer service offers a more complete solution. The platform enriches the user experience by offering features focused on visitor engagement, conversion and loyalty, in addition to those for website development. 

In this article, we tell you why we're big fans of HubSpot CMS Hub for website creation, management and development. Using this system for our own site, we're perfectly placed to share our experiences and advice.


HubSpot's Hub Structures

HubSpot's platform comprises different “Hubs," each dedicated to a specific domain. This set of Hubs provides a wide range of functionalities to optimize various aspects of online business management.

Marketing Hub: This hub focuses on digital marketing tools, including SEO, marketing automation, lead generation and marketing data analysis.

Sales Hub: The Sales Hub is dedicated to sales management. It provides tools for customer tracking, customer relationship management (CRM), sales process automation, and sales performance analysis.

Service Hub: This hub focuses on customer service. It includes features for managing support tickets, satisfaction surveys, and other tools to enhance the customer experience.

CMS Hub: CMS is specially designed for web content management. It makes it easy to create and manage dynamic websites. With its integrated editor and analysis tools, this module facilitates the creation of site pages. 

Operations Hub: This hub focuses on optimizing operational processes and data integration. It facilitates data synchronization between different systems and automates administrative tasks. These features enable companies to strengthen collaboration between their various teams.



What is HubSpot CMS Hub?

The HubSpot CMS Hub is a content management system. Like website builders such as WordPress or SquareSpace, it provides the tools and framework needed to create and manage an efficient, high-performance website. 

HubSpot CMS Hub simplifies the creation and modification of web content. And it's easy to maintain. The system makes creating, modifying and maintaining web content easy, with an intuitive user experience.



What makes HubSpot CMS Hub different?

First and foremost, its design aims to eliminate the challenges often involved in managing a website. It focuses on providing security, speed and scalability, three essential aspects of a modern website.

Another distinctive aspect of Hub CMS is its tight integration with the HubSpot toolset. This allows more intuitive management of marketing and sales activities directly within the platform.

This native integration is a major advantage over other content management systems, which often require the addition of external modules for similar functionality. As a result, Hub CMS delivers a more consistent user experience.

This integrated approach makes HubSpot CMS Hub particularly attractive to companies looking to closely align their marketing and sales efforts with their online presence.

Why choose HubSpot CMS Hub?

Speed: HubSpot CMS excels in terms of speed. This is a distinct advantage over other CMS platforms such as WordPress. The accumulation of plugins on WordPress often weighs down the site and reduces loading speed. HubSpot's integrated architecture ensures lighter, faster performance. 

Security and privacy: HubSpot stands out for its robust security measures. Website owners benefit from this protection, enabling them to conceal critical information. HubSpot significantly reduces cyber-attack vulnerability by anonymizing details such as admin identities, technical specifications, and user data. 

This contrasts with platforms like WordPress, which are often targeted due to their popularity. HubSpot is committed to securing personal and business information.

Reliability: The HubSpot team continually enhances the speed, security and reliability of their web hosting. This ensures a reliable, uninterrupted user experience. A key element of this reliability is hosting the Hub CMS on Amazon Web Services (AWS), renowned for its robustness and uninterrupted use. 

Data and analytics: For those using other HubSpot features such as Marketing Hub, Sales Hub and Service Hub, the integration of data and analytics is particularly advanced.



The limitations of HubSpot CMS Hub

Like any system, the HubSpot CMS is not free of drawbacks: 

Specific development: HubSpot CMS uses its own HubL programming language, so if you're planning to build a custom website, this may take longer to adapt to. However, for those who prefer to use a predefined theme, HubSpot remains a good option.

Design limitations: CMS Hub offers a wide range of predefined templates and themes for those looking for a quick and easy solution. These options enable various design options to be created without the need for programming skills. However, a developer will be needed for very specific functions or designs that exceed the existing templates' functionalities.

Lack of native e-commerce functionality: Hub CMS does not offer integrated e-commerce functionality. For e-commerce needs, it is necessary to integrate with third-party platforms such as Shopify or WooCommerce.

Platform newness: CMS Hub is relatively new to the market. Although HubSpot is responsive to support requests, some features are still under development. This means that, while critical issues are rare, minor aspects may still be improved.

Cost: Compared with other CMS options, HubSpot is positioned in a higher price bracket. However, it provides advanced stability, security and speed features that free solutions like WordPress do not.


Adding specific functions

If you're considering adding specific functions to your new HubSpot website, here are a few things to consider:


Comparing with WordPress

WordPress users are familiar with its open-source system, which allows you to choose from millions of widgets and plugins to enrich your site. For example, if you want to add an Amazon module, WordPress lets you install pre-coded plugins to integrate these features.


CMS Hub features

CMS Hub works in a similar way. In addition to themes and templates, it features a marketplace of custom modules. Here, you can search for specific features you'd like to add to your site.


HubSpot marketplace

HubSpot's library benefits from stricter management than WordPress, increasing the platform's security. This approach minimizes concerns about plugin security. However, it also implies a more limited choice of options available at present.


Why Momentumm?

We plan, design and create the content for your new website or migrate your existing site to HubSpot CMS

We empower your team to create, analyze and improve the content of your web platform. By working with us, you benefit from our support and our expertise to align with your business objectives. 

Here's how we work:


Maximizing your HubSpot usage

We'll help you make the most of HubSpot. We'll guide you in optimizing the platform, whether it's configuring your marketing, sales or customer service tools or automating your processes. Our mission is to enhance the quality of your digital strategy.


Planning and strategy

We draw up a detailed plan to ensure that your website meets the needs of your target audience.


Wireframing and design 

Our team designs a functional and aesthetic layout, aligned with your brand's visual identity.



We build a website that is responsive, intuitive and compliant with current standards.


Website SEO

We use search engine optimization strategies to increase your website's visibility and boost lead generation.


Analytical reporting 

We provide detailed reports for real-time tracking of user activity on your website. This gives you the tools to adjust and improve the user experience continually.


Comparing HubSpot with other CMS

CMS HubSpot vs. WordPress



HubSpot CMS



Built-in, robust safety system.

Can be exposed to vulnerabilities and requires security plugins.

Built-in tools

Offers integrated tools and features (SEO, analytics, social media).

It requires plugins for similar functions, which may cause performance issues.

Ease of use

An intuitive drag-and-drop interface, ideal for non-technical users.

It has a higher learning curve but offers great flexibility and customization.

All-in-one solution

Complete hosting, design and maintenance solution.

Requires manual management for installation, updating and maintenance.

Customer support

Dedicated, ongoing customer support.

Active user community and online forums, but lacks dedicated customer support.


There is less customization freedom than in WordPress.

Customizable with a wide variety of themes and plugins.


It is generally more expensive because of its built-in features.

Free and paid options are more affordable for smaller budgets.


A smaller but growing community.

A worldwide community with a wealth of resources and extensions.

App integrations

Well-integrated but limited to the HubSpot ecosystem.

Wide range of third-party integrations available.

CMS HubSpot vs. Webflow


HubSpot CMS


Built-in tools

Offers a complete suite of tools for marketing, sales and customer service. It allows you to create, manage and optimize diverse content all in one place.

No built-in marketing and sales tools.

Integration with other tools

Seamless integration with HubSpot CRM and marketing automation for a smooth workflow.

Lacks a similar level of integration with marketing and sales tools.

Ease of use

Simple, user-friendly editor, perfect for non-technical users.

The editor may be more complex for the novice.


It offers customization options, although it is less flexible than Webflow.

Enables advanced customization and greater design flexibility.


Can be more expensive due to built-in features.

It offers flexible pricing options, potentially more affordable for some users.

Community and Resources

It has a growing community of users and resources.

It comes with an active community and a variety of educational resources.

CMS HubSpot vs. Squarespace


HubSpot CMS


Marketing Integration

Known for its advanced marketing automation and communication features. It enables greater targeting and interaction with audiences.

Offers marketing tools, but with less power than HubSpot.

Options de Personnalisation

Vous bénéficiez d'une plus grande maîtrise du design et de la mise en page. 

Fournit également des options de personnalisation, mais avec une flexibilité moindre.

Optimisation SEO

Dispose d'outils de référencement intégrés pour optimiser votre site pour les moteurs de recherche.

Est doté des fonctionnalités de référencement, bien que moins complètes que HubSpot.

Génération de Leads

Optimisé pour renforcer la génération de leads. Comprend des outils qui simplifient la création de landing page. Il permet aussi de développer facilement des formulaires de capture.

Met à disposition des outils de génération de leads, mais moins ciblés et intuitifs que ceux de HubSpot.

Tests A/B

Permet la réalisation de tests A/B sur votre site, fournissant des analyses sur les performances des diverses versions de vos pages.

Ne dispose pas de fonctionnalités de tests A/B.


CMS HubSpot vs. Wix


HubSpot CMS


Optimisation de Site Web

Propose des options avancées pour l'optimisation SEO et la vitesse de chargement.

Ces optimisations spécifiques pour le SEO et la vitesse de chargement peuvent être limitées.

Gestion de Contenu et CRM

Intègre un système de gestion de contenu et un CRM, facilitant la collecte, la gestion et l'analyse des données clients.

L'accès à des fonctionnalités similaires d'intégration de données clients est restreint.

Support Client

Fournit un support client réactif avec assistance 24/7, assurant une résolution rapide des problèmes.

Le support client peut être moins complet comparé à celui proposé par HubSpot CMS.

Outils de Marketing et Génération de Leads

Intègre des outils d'automatisation du marketing et de génération de leads.

Moins d'outils disponibles pour l'automatisation du marketing et la génération de leads.


CMS HubSpot vs. Shopify


HubSpot CMS


Plateforme Tout-en-Un

Combine des fonctionnalités de commerce électronique avec des outils CRM, d'automatisation du marketing et de service à la clientèle.

Se focalise principalement sur le commerce électronique, nécessitant des intégrations pour des fonctionnalités supplémentaires.

Capacités de Référencement

Propose des capacités avancées en SEO, y compris l'optimisation de contenu et d'intégrations avec Google Analytics.

Les capacités de référencement sont présentes mais requièrent des extensions supplémentaires pour la même utilisation.


Permet une grande flexibilité dans la création de designs, modèles personnalisés, et l'adaptation de l'aspect du site.

Offre des options de personnalisation, bien que moins flexibles que celles de HubSpot CMS.

Outils de Marketing Intégrés

Comprend une suite complète d'outils marketing, tels que le marketing par courriel, la gestion des médias sociaux, et l'optimisation des conversions.

Pour atteindre un niveau de fonctionnalité similaire, les utilisateurs doivent se tourner vers des applications ou services tiers.


CMS HubSpot vs. Drupal


HubSpot CMS


Facilité d'Utilisation

Dispose d'une interface utilisateur intuitive de type "glisser-déposer", simplifiant la création et la publication de contenu.

Présente une complexité plus élevée, nécessitant plus de compétences techniques.

Outils Marketing Intégrés

Inclut une suite complète d'outils marketing, y compris l'optimisation SEO et le marketing par email.

Les outils marketing nécessitent l'ajout de modules supplémentaires.

Design responsive

Les modèles sont systématiquement adaptés aux mobiles, assurant une compatibilité  sur tous les appareils.

Exige des ajustements manuels pour obtenir un design responsive similaire.

Développement rapide

Permet une mise en place rapide avec des modèles et modules prédéfinis, minimisant le besoin de développement supplémentaire.

Demande une personnalisation et un développement plus approfondis pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques.