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Case study

Canadian Automobile Association (CAA)

Flexible toolkits and content creation for CAA's national and regional needs.


The Project

CAA National came to us as they needed help with content creation for social awareness campaigns. Supervising more than 20 regional clubs across Canada and the Caribbeans - they needed a solution that was flexible enough to provide "ready-to-go" and customizable content.

Our Role

  • Content creation (Trilingual - English, French & Spanish)
  • Graphic Design

The Challenge and the results

Creating content that was both ready to be published but also customized for each club would've been too time consuming and not cost-effective for CAA. We came up with the idea of creating 2 toolkits, both including static images, illustrations, carousel and video options and delivered formats where every component was easily customizable by all clubs. From Vancouver to Cayman Islands

The Content Toolkits

Delivered on Figma and Canva, the toolkits provides hundreds of different creatives with ready-to-publish messaging attached and provides endless customization option for all the different groups under CAA.

This approach resulted in unprecedented adoption from all clubs and increase social engagement with minimal efforts in every region.


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